recent events

Happy Birthday to OrioledHub

At noon on May 27, 2022, Orioledhub’s birthday party took place in a joyful and warm atmosphere. With the theme of Go Green and the blue -white dresscode conveys the message of commitment to living green, together towards protecting the environment. The entire staff sat down together, sharing memories, laughter, hugs and handshakes in warmth.Besides,

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On the morning of May 14, 2022 in Cao Lanh City, Dong Thap province, TV TPI was pleased to participate in the tennis exchange program with Imexpharm. As usual, every year TV TPI and Imexpharm meet, exchange and develop the sports spirit between the two companies. The program took place in a radiant and joyful

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TV TPI: TALENT – STRENGTH – RESPONSIBILITY Mission Answering the ‘Why’ question of the organization, also known as the organization’s core purpose and reasons for survival. TV TPI was born to serve medicine users in Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries by providing valuable and quality products registered in Europe at reasonable prices. Vision Answering the